



发布者:张东 | 来源:深圳德禾国际拍卖有限公司发布时间:2019-07-02
1 枚
花钱源于汉代,花钱在早期使用的时候主要是中国民间自娱自乐的一种玩钱,这种钱币由于不是流通钱,因此它的材质大都比较粗糙,中国民间把这种钱俗称为“花钱”。“花钱”虽然具有钱币的形态,但不作流通使用,是钱币中的“非正用品”。中国民间花钱的种类繁多,诸如开炉、镇库、馈赠、祝福、玩赏、戏作、配饰、生肖等等都要铸钱,这种“钱”,其实是某种需要的品、吉利品、纪念品。其中“吉语钱”是比较普遍的一类花钱。主要以“长命富贵”、“福德”、“加官进禄”、 “天下太平”等吉语为内容,这同时也反应了中国传统文化的渗透力。


Spending is also concerned by the market from 2000, before that, it has not been recognized by the mainstream collection market, the price is low. For the collection of folk coins, there is a misunderstanding of "the beauty of the atmosphere of the major spring and the beauty of the cleverness of the light spring". In fact, florets are more suitable for Tibetans to play with. The wear and tear degree is relatively large and the money is heavier. In addition, small size is easy to lose, and few can be left properly. Especially for some inherently inexperienced flowers, the value of the first-class handed down products is immeasurable.
Spending money originated in the Han Dynasty. In the early days, it was mainly used as a kind of play money for self-entertainment by the Chinese people. This kind of money was not circulating money, so its material was mostly rough. The Chinese people commonly called it "spending money". "Spending money" has the form of coins, but it is not used for circulation. It is the "non-official goods" in coins. There are many kinds of money spent by the Chinese people, such as fires, town storehouses, gifts, blessings, enjoyments, plays, accessories, Zodiacs and so on. This kind of "money" is actually a kind of evil repellent, auspicious goods and souvenirs for certain needs. Among them, "lucky money" is a more common type of spending. Mainly with "long life, rich and noble", "long life of Ford", "add officials to pay", "world peace" and other auspicious words as the content, which also reflects the penetration of traditional Chinese culture.
The money front pattern is mainly based on the "twelve zodiac", which is the twelve animal designs of rats, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs and pigs. It also has twelve characters: "Zi, uh, Yin, mu, Chen, Si, Wu, Bu, Shen, you, Xu, Hai". Eight regular scripts of Yangwen, Li-Zhenzhen-Su-Kan-Lun-Kun, eight Yangwen are the orientation of the Eight Diagrams.
The theme of the zodiac "spending money" is an important category of "spending money". The purpose of this money is to congratulate people on their healthy growth, generally for children. The author's collection of the twelve Zodiacs of the Qing Dynasty spends money. The front design is the animal pattern of the twelve zodiacs, with twelve characters; the back is the Eight Diagrams decoration and the corresponding eight characters of Qian, Duan, Li, Zhenzhen, Shan, Kan, Fan and Kun. The twelve zodiac is a method of calculating the age of the Chinese people. It is the result of the integration of the chronology of the ancient Chinese nation and the chronology of the ethnic minorities. As a kind of folk culture, the twelve zodiac has already permeated into the blood of our nation.
In addition to the rich cultural connotation, the exquisite production technology has also been loved by many collectors. Spending money is closely related to folklore and religion, and most of its patterns reflect the living situation of the residents at that time. Because of its many bright spots, more and more people are interested in collecting and spending money. In recent years, it has become the black horse of coin collection.
Spending money belongs to folk money, which originated in the Han Dynasty. It is coined by some special uses such as folk pursuit to ward off evil spirits and auspiciousness. It is not circulated as coins, and its circulation is very small. Because of its long history, there are few deposits in the world. In addition, the more exquisite foundry technology and calligraphy seal carving, the higher the natural value is; it has important folk customs, astronomy and religion. The value of scientific research, such as teaching, is slightly higher than that of ordinary research.

It weighs 28.4 grams and has a diameter of 5 centimeters. On the front is the twelve zodiac signs, corresponding to the twelve Branches of the earth, and on the back is the Eight Diagrams, which have also been used for divination. Most of its patterns reflect the living situation of the residents at that time. Because of the exquisite patterns and characters on the currency surface, they are loved by collectors. Therefore, the prospects of collecting money are gradually favored by the vast number of coin collectors. In recent years, their prices will accelerate.
The gold and silver commemorative coins of the zodiac are generally accepted, which are related to many factors. The main reason is that the culture of the zodiac is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. For the pursuit of gold and silver commemorative coins of the zodiac, there is still time for the publication of gold and silver commemorative coins of the zodiac, which is beneficial to the stimulation of the purchase of the commemorative coins of the zodiac. Since the publication time is close to the time of the New Year, for Chinese people who like to pursue the significance of auspicious celebration, we should know the value of the gold and silver commemorative coins of the zodiac and start with consideration. It is one of the buying habits of many people.

In recent years, the potential investment value of China's spending money has been gradually excavated by the market, and its price rise is also accelerating. The reason why money stands out among all kinds of coins is determined by its own characteristics. In addition to the rich cultural connotation, the exquisite production technology has also been loved by many collectors. Whether from casting quantity, stock quantity, collection difficulty, historical value, artistic value, cultural value, texture and other aspects, it has very high market collection value.
联系人 张东
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